How To Plan The Perfect Corporate Event 
Planning a corporate or business event is not a particularly easy thing to undertake. There are numerous event firms that make big money out of this sort of thing, and this proves that many managing directors choose not to leave things to chance.
But if you are thinking of taking on your next team building day, or shareholders dinner then there are a few pointers that you should bear in mind.
How to Start
Fistly you must break the process of event planning down into achievable tasks, this will help you to stay focused and to accomplish your mission. With proper planning and a checklist at hand it can actually be a rewarding experience.
Start planning as a soon as you possibly can.
Corporate event planning involves a lot of waiting about for responses and confirmation from third parties. So get started as soon as it is practical.
Make lists & circulate them.
Break the things to do up into categories, urgent etc. The lists will help you keep track what has been achieved and what is still left to do.
Involve your colleagues.
Your company may not have an events team, so make one. Enrol people with different skill sets from different departments. For instance somebody from accounts would be ideal to handle the events budget and a person from despatch could organise the transportation requirements.
Set a Budget
A budget must be set before anything else gets done, find out how much money you have to spend and stick to it. This will control what type of event you are tasked with organising, if you feel it is inadequate for staging say a large conference in the city, then negotiate for more.
When deciding how to allocate your budget then lean towards what has been popular with your company before. For instance if the cellar door was more important that the winery tour, then keep money back for the bar afterwards and skimp on some of the trivial things.
Decide What Sort of Event It Is
When it comes to decide what type of event it is then follow the management's instructions, then consider.
Is It High Or Low Impact?
Day, Night or both?
Bespoke or Package?
Shared or Exclusive?
Important Factors
Apart from all the standard parts that make up a function: venue, entertainment, music, food, speeches and awards, P.A systems, drink, decorations, party theme etc. there are some other highly important factors to include:
Decide if you need to organise transport to and from the event. If you are chartering coaches make sure you select a reputable company that will not let you down, are an excellent example of this.
If you need security at your corporate event, choose a friendly company that will make your guests feel comfortable.
Everybody has mobile phones, but having a professional photographer at the event will guarantee there will be quality photo’s afterwards.
Follow these tips and your corporate event should go off successfully without a hitch.
Are you planning your corporate event in brisbane? Check out our blog for conference centres on '4 Great Conference Centres in Brisbane'.
If you are planning your event in Melbourne? Would you like reccomendations on where to stay? Check out our '5 Best Corporate Hotels in Melbourne'.
Perth has a huge demand for business conference and meeting facilities. We have two blogs for you to read for inspiration on where to stay and where to host your event. On accommodation check out our '5 Best Corporate Hotels in Perth'.
And for conferences, read our '4 Great Conference Centres in Perth - Perth Conference Centres'.