The Pros & Cons of School Excursions
Taking school students on an external field trip can be a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience life in the real world and to learn things outside the confines of the classroom.
However, the organisation of such excursions can be daunting to say the very least. Usually arranging the trip is just left to a normal teacher who has no experience in group transportation whatsoever.
That is where Bus Hire Compare can really assist. Our vast experience in supplying vehicles for school outings is unsurpassed. And if you have just been designated to organise your next school field trip then our friendly booking advisors can help immensely.
Off campus experiences can be a boon to learning but they are not without their challenges.

The Benefits of Field Trips
Students can benefit greatly from field trips with truly educational and life experiences that are not possible to teach in a classroom environment. Their learning is done by hands on experiences and not through text books, but can really assist their course work.
Also it gives the less fortunate students who have not experienced rural life a chance to get out of the big city and enjoy the fresh air.
Hands-on Learning
Taking students to a new environment takes them into another non-academic world. And their learning is done through experience and not through text books. When students are sitting in a classroom then their learning is pretty passive. But being in the real world say on a farm, or in a factory, gives them true hands-on life experiences.Broadening Horizons
Being away from the school confines give impressionable young students the opportunity to learn new things from being in the outside world. Perhaps some of the students are from lower income families and rarely get the opportunity to get out of the city to explore.
Taking such kids to working farms or nature reserves enables the students to see the real world in action and take this inspiration back to their classroom.
Some of the Problems with Field Trips
However, field trips are not sometimes a win-win situation. And many teachers that have organised such trips will know the problems that can crop up with taking kids away from their school for a day.
The biggest problem is making sure that the students are safe and that they behave in public places.
Students Missing Classes
Another inherent problem with taking students on day trips is that they are missing out on other lessons that are part of the school curriculum. If every teacher wishes to take his students on field trips then there would hardly be any time for teaching in class.

Reliable and professional transportation can be a big problem with school excursions. That is why experienced group transportation companies such as Bus Hire Compare are vital to making the event work.
Placing all the travel logistics in the hands of a top transport company is well worth the money. As their modern vehicles and experienced drivers will be more than suitable for the job at hand.
So when you are ready to organise your next school outing contact Bus Hire Compare and feel assured that your children will have a wonderful day and get home safely.