Season Opens Early for Mt Buller
The highly anticipated 2019 snow season is almost upon us and the good news is for those that intend to go to Mt Buller that it arrives one week early.
As a chilling cold front brought early snowfall across the Victorian and NSW alpine regions, Mt Buller announced that it will open on Saturday the 1st of June, and it is officially the first day of winter.
The change of plans comes as a chilling cold front is moving across NSW and Victoria which has brought abnormally heavy snowfalls to some of Australia’s biggest ski resorts including Mt Buller.
And according to forecasters that best part is that the blizzard-like conditions have resulted in an early, and very welcome, deluge of snow well ahead of schedule.
Mt Buller Resort has already been blanketed with around 35cm of fresh snow, and the owners of the resort will open the new $6 million Bourke Street Express Chairlift for free at 10am on Saturday. The six seater chairlift will add to the great facilities that are open to visitors in this prestigious resort.
This all happens one week earlier than the traditional Queens Birthday Weekend celebrations, and to mark the occasion Mt Buller will offer half-price resort entry and free overnight parking.

Mt Buller Snow Cams
A great and quite unique way of keeping up in real-time what the weather is doing up on the mountain is via the Mt Buller Snow Cams.
These state-of-the-art cameras are placed at the most strategic points of Mt Buller Resort, Little Buller Spur, Bourke Street, The Fox, Burnt Hut, Summit, Village, Toboggan Run, and Bluff View. And offer spectacular views of what is happening, when, and where.
The New 2019 Transport Partner for Mt Buller
And all ready for the sooner than expected 2019 Mt Buller Snow Season, is the new resort transport provider CoachHire.
The Mt Buller and Mt Sterling Alpine Resort Management Board had already announced that CoachHire has been awarded the contract to provide all the transport services at Mt Buller starting from the 2019 snow season.
This contract will cover all transport services and will provide car park shuttle, village shuttle, valet taxi and all park & ride transport services.
The early start of the 2019 season may have caught many on the hop, but at Mt Buller they are all set to provide a great snow experience.