1300 565 091

Enhanced Refund Policy

By booking with CoachHire and opting for our Enhanced Refund Policy you will be able to apply for a full refund, avoiding all cancellation charges, should certain unforeseen circumstances mean that you are unable to proceed with your transport booking. The policy is opt-in only and is available at an additional charge of 9% of the total booking value. Please note, this is not an insurance policy, it is an enhancement to our standard terms and conditions.


A refund will be available in the following cases

- Cancellation due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

- Illness (Physical & Mental)

- Accident or Injury

- Adverse Weather

- Government Travel Bans

- Death (including Suicide)

- Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall

- Pregnancy-Related Conditions

- Relocation by your Employer

- Scheduled Airline Failure

- Private Vehicle Failure

- Redundancy

- Jury Service

- Changes to Exam Dates

- Court Summons

General Conditions of the Enhanced Refund Policy

  • You must make all necessary arrangements to arrive at the pick-up location on time.
  • You must not be aware of any fact, matter, or circumstance, at the time of requesting a quote, which may give rise to a refund request.
  • You must take all reasonable precautions to prevent or reduce the possibility of any request for a refund.
  • You will be asked to provide, at your own expense, the supporting proofs stated against the reason for the refund shown in the table below.
  • Refund requests must be made in writing by sending an email to and must be submitted, including supporting documents at least 72 hours prior to the travel date, requests submitted after this time will be refused
  • This Policy only comes into effect after 48 hours
  • The refund only applies to the cost of the vehicle hire.
  • When approved refunds will be processed within 28 days.
  • This policy only applies where an individual critical to the purpose of the trip is affected by the points noted. CoachHire retains the right to decide if a person is critical to the purpose of the trip, and as such whether the policy will apply to any particular claim.
Reasons for refund Exclusions Evidence required

Illness / Injury means an illness or accidental injury to an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip)

  • The individual cannot produce a Doctor’s note for the illness or injury.
  • Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate confirming the illness or injury occurred prior to the date of transport.

Pregnancy Complication means a complication of pregnancy affecting an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) which results in the individual being unable to use the transport service and/or booked event.

  • Normal Pregnancy
  • If the individual received advice from a Doctor or Medical Professional that they should not engage in the transport service and/or booked event.
  • Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate

Death means the death within 2 weeks prior to the travel date of an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip).

  • The death of a person that is not an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) or any person(s) that are not in the group due to be transported.
  • A death certificate.

Scheduled Airline Failure means the cancellation of flight(s) of an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) which you were unaware of before the date of travel booked with CoachHire.

  • If you/the individual were previously aware of the disruption to the Public Transport Network prior to the date of the booked event and did not make reasonable suitable alternative travel arrangements to attend the booked event.
  • If there is a financial failure of any Public Transport
  • If there is a financial failure of any Public Transport
  • Paying Party - any organisation or body who has a legal liability to pay compensation for the failure of the service against whom you have a right of redress under the terms of carriage.
  • A copy of the airline ticket and notice of cancellation from the airline.

Mechanical Breakdown means in the 12 hours prior to the confirmed collection time, the mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft of a vehicle taking an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) to the pickup location.

  • If the individual did not leave sufficient time to travel to the pickup location.
  • If the individual did not make reasonable alternative arrangements to get to the pickup location.
  • If there is a mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft of the vehicle taking the individual to the pickup location more than 12 hours prior to the confirmed collection time.
  • Breakdown - A copy of the call out note from the individuals breakdown recovery service, (for example the RAC, AA, Green Flag).
  • Accident - An accident report from the Police or relevant traffic authority.
  • Fire - A report from the fire service and/or, the Police.
  • Theft - A record including a crime reference number from the Police and evidence from the submission of a claim to the individuals motor insurance company.

Jury Service means a summons for an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) to attend Jury Service which takes place over the date of the transport booking of which you were unaware at the time of making the booking.

  • If the individual was aware of the Summons for Jury Service prior to making the booking.
  • A copy of the letter /Summons requiring Jury Service.

Court Summons means an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) are summoned to appear as a witness in court proceedings on the day of the transport booking of which you were unaware of the time of making the booking.

  • If the individual was aware of the date of the Court Summons prior to making the booking.
  • Any Court Summons in which the individual is the named Defendant in Criminal Proceedings or where the individual is the subject of Criminal Proceedings.
  • A copy of the Court Summons.

Home Emergency means a Burglary, Fire, Malicious Damage or Flood at the private residence of an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) up to 24 hours immediately before the transport booking.

  • If the Home Emergency was more than 24 hours prior to the confirmed collection time.
  • If the individual was aware of the Home Emergency prior to making the booking.
  • Fire - A report from the fire service and/or police.

Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall means an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) as a member of the Armed Forces, Reserve Armed Forces or Emergency Services are recalled to work or duty on the date of the transport booking or are posted overseas and as a result cannot attend.

  • The individual was aware or had a scheduled shift on the date of the booked event, prior to making the booking.
  • The individual made an unsuccessful request for annual leave for the date of the transport booking.
  • The individual is relocated less than 100 miles from your current home address.
  • A note from the Commanding Officer or Line Manager to confirm being called into work or duty and that this was not the individuals originally scheduled shift(s).

Adverse Weather means weather where a Government Agency has issued warnings not to travel which entirely prevents you from reaching the confirmed destination address.

  • Adverse weather with no warnings not to travel from a Government Agency.
  • A copy of the travel warning from the Government Agency.
  • Confirmation of the relevant road closures.

Relocated for Work means a requirement to move address imposed on an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) by their employer, unknown at the date of booking. The move may be temporary or permanent and must be more than 100 miles from the individuals home address at the date of booking.

  • Where the relocation or new job is less than 100 miles from the individuals current residence.
  • Attendance at business meetings and business trips.
  • A letter from the individuals current employer confirming the relocation.

Government Travel Ban means the government of the country of residence of an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) issuing a public travel ban to the country or area where the transport is scheduled to take place in the preceding 7 days before the transport booking.

  • Where the individuals government has issued a travel warning but has not banned travel to the country or area where the booking will take place.
  • Where the booking was made after the Government Travel ban was already in force.
  • Evidence from the individuals national government website confirming the travel ban to the country or area where the transport is scheduled to take place.

Redundancy means an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) is unexpectedly made compulsorily redundant by their employer within 7 days of the booking date.

  • Where the redundancy was voluntary.
  • Where the individual was dismissed from employment.
  • Where redundancy comes into effect more than 7 days prior to the trip
  • A letter of compulsory redundancy from the individuals employer.

Changes to Examination Dates means the unforeseen change of the date of an examination for a course on which an individual critical to the purpose of the trip (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for school trip) are registered.

  • Where the individual failed the examination previously and had to re-sit.
  • Where the change of date of the examination was known to the individual prior to making the booking.
  • Where the individual has personally requested a change to the examination date.
  • A copy of a notice from the examination body, school, college, university evidencing, the date of the examination has been changed.

Cancellation due to COVID is applicable where the trip is unable to take place without contravening current restrictions on travel, or, where a person critical to the trip becomes infected (eg. Tour leader/guide, Bride/Groom for wedding transport, Teacher for a school trip)

  • The individual cannot produce official confirmation of infection. 
  • There is no official travel ban in place. 
  • Doctor’s note or Medical Certificate confirming infection by COVID


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